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Preprocessing Data

Before retraining the YOLOv5 model, you might want to preprocess your labeled data to ensure that your frames are in the right format.

Convert CVAT output to YOLOv5

OTLabels provides the script to convert the annotated data to the appropriate format YOLOv5 needs for retraining the model. Before executing the script, you have to setup the configurations for your needs:

  • Within the script:
  • Set destPath: path where your data is stored (typically ./data/*).
  • Set annFile: path to the COCO-annotation file (if you do not have it yet, see below how to get it).
  • Set catFile: path to a text file containing your CVAT labels (standard: labels_CVAT.txt).
  • Set cvatFile: path to a CVAT output file (containing images and labels, see also section CVAT: Download data) or to a folder containing multiple CVAT output files.
  • Set name: the name of subfolder of destPath/images and destPath/labels to store the data in.
  • labels_CVAT.txt: a text file with two columns separated by actual commas with headers named Cat and CatId containing the name and the ID of your CVAT labels. For a example, see the labels_CVAT.txt file in the OTLabels repository. Please note that labels not provided in this file will not be converted and consequently be deleted.

The script performs the following steps:

  1. Unzip the CVAT output file
  2. Copy the images to the directory destPath/images/name.
  3. Import the label files and convert the CVAT labels to the COCO labels used by YOLOv5.
  4. Export the converted label files to the directory destPath/labels/name.

Filter the labels

If for some reason you want to filter the labels that are already stored in your data directory, you can use the script. Before executing the script, you have to setup the configurations for your needs:

  • Within the script:
  • Set path: path where the data is stored (typically ./data/*).
  • Set name: the name of one or more subfolder of destPath/images and destPath/labels to store the data in. More than one name must be provided as list.
  • Set annFile: path to the COCO-annotation file (if you do not have it yet, see below how to get it).
  • Set labelsFilter: path to a text file (standard: label_filter.txt) containing the labels you want to keep.
  • label_filter.txt: a text file containing the category names (e.g., "car") of the labels you want to keep (without quotes and one category name per row).

Please note that the images will not be copied to the corresponding folder in destPath/images in order to save file space. Instead, a text file with all images still containing the filtered labels is created. This file of filenames can also be referred to by YOLOv5.

The script performs the following steps:

  1. Fetch the category IDs to the corresponding category name.
  2. Import the label files.
  3. Filter the labels by the provided category names.
  4. Export the labels to the directory destPath/labels/name_filtered.
  5. Create a text file with all image files in the directory path. Please note that image and label files not include any label after filtering are not exported.

Get COCO annotation file

This file is necessary to ensure your labels match the labels of the pretrained YOLOv5 models. Use the script to download one or more COCO annotation files. Configurations to be made:

  • Within the script:
  • Set path: path where the data is stored (typically ./data/*).
  • Set URLFile: path to the config file that stores the URLs of the annotation files
  • coco_annotation_json_URLs.txt: a text file containing the URLs of the annotation files (without quotes and one URL per row)

Get the original COCO dataset

In some cases you might want to get the original COCO dataset that was used to train the original YOLOv5 models. Therefore, OTLabels provides the script to download the data. Please note that you could also use the script from the YOLOv5 repository. Before executing the script, you have to set up the configurations for your needs:

  • Within the script:
  • Set imageURLs: path of a text file (standard: coco_image_URLs.txt) containing the URLs of the image data sets.
  • Set annURL: URL to the labels.
  • Set destPath: path where your data is stored (typically ./data/*).
  • coco_image_URLs.txt: a text file containing the URLs of the images for training, validation and testing (without quotes and one URL per row).