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The brain of OpenTrafficCam.

OTAnalytics is a set of self developed algorithms to gather traffic measures based on trajectories of road users.

Key features

  • Generation of traffic flow matrices and node flow diagrams
  • Measurement of time gaps, speeds and accelerations
  • Long-term: Analysis of near-accidents (e.g. TTC, PET)
  • Visualization of traffic data
  • Import of trajectories from other systems (e.g. DataFromSky)
  • Runs on any Windows laptop

Content of documentation

Most of the code will be developed by the OpenTrafficCam contributors (based on python libraries like NumPy, pandas, tkinter and OpenCV).

Early prototype

The currently available version of OTAnalytics described in this documentation is in early prototype stage. This version works and offers an impression of the functionality.  

It is partially tested on Windows 10.

We are currently working on a complete re-implementation for a stable release. It will also be tested on Mac and Linux.

Stay tuned :)